Like everyone who has ever lived, I am inspired by much of life: the colors and textures of nature, the rich cultural and geographic diversity around us, the accomplishments of prior generations…inspiration is everywhere!

From a designer’s perspective, however, I find my true inspiration from an ever-changing source: my clients. Each one delivers a new venue where I can use a fresh approach. It’s their lives and families, the setting, the architecture and their dreams that create the buzz for me. I create warm, soulful spaces that my clients will inhabit, relax in, build and share family memories — I never forget that I am creating the settings of their lives.

My desire is to build from a personality accessory or furniture piece, either owned or inspired. For myself, I used my grandmother’s jewelry box, shown below. My whole master bedroom was based around this single (and to me, precious) object. The soft colors and muted metallics, along with ‘pops’ of color, create a skillfully crafted space that serves as my haven of relaxation as well as an energy center.